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Building For The Modern Workforce

Building For The Modern Workforce

Today’s employees have a bigger seat at the table, a stronger voice than ever before, and an unprecedented ability to create their own unique career paths. The modern enterprise has an incredible opportunity to embrace this new level of agency and close the gap...

The Traits Of Great Business Leaders

The Traits Of Great Business Leaders

Are the best business leaders “naturals" or are they products of their experiences? This has been debated for centuries, and I could argue either side with gusto. In an article in Inc., Logan Chierotti writes: “estimates suggest that 30%-60% of leadership is...

How Leaders Can Help Teams Find Their Voice

How Leaders Can Help Teams Find Their Voice

On the night of April 20, 2010, a massive explosion ripped through the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, releasing more than 130 million gallons of crude oil into the ocean. It was the biggest oil spill in U.S. history, and it might have been...

The Three Most Effective Mindful Leadership Strategies

The Three Most Effective Mindful Leadership Strategies

Great leaders are inspiring and motivating. They are strategic thinkers who can see the big picture in business and in life. And yet to sustain this task in our modern age, great leaders must also be present, resilient, and healthy in body and mind. Thanks to changes...

To Be a Good Manager, You Have to Be a Good Teacher

To Be a Good Manager, You Have to Be a Good Teacher

Newer leaders sometimes assume their team has the skill or knowledge to successfully carry out the work they have assigned to them, but this may not necessarily be the case. Someone may be struggling with a particular task and might be hesitant to seek out help. To be...