While engagement certainly has its benefits, most of us will have noticed that, when we are highly engaged we can also experience something less than positive: high levels of stress. A recent survey conducted at Yale University examined the levels of engagement and burnout in over 1,000 U.S. employees. For some people, engagement is indeed a purely positive experience; 2 out of 5 employees reported high engagement and low burnout. However, the data also showed that one out of five employees reported both high engagement and high burnout. These engaged-exhausted workers were passionate about their work, but also had intensely mixed feelings about it – reporting high levels of interest, stress, and frustration. These apparent model employees also reported the highest turnover intentions in the sample – even higher than the unengaged group.

Read more here https://hbr.org/2018/02/1-in-5-highly-engaged-employees-is-at-risk-of-burnout?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=hbr&utm_source=LinkedIn&tpcc=orgsocial_edit