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3 Ways to Build a Culture That Lets High Performers Thrive

3 Ways to Build a Culture That Lets High Performers Thrive

Many companies build cultures that are focused on controlling the output of low performers, rather than growing and unlocking everyone’s skills. This approach is low-ROI and ultimately problematic for high-performance cultures. Leaders spend an inordinate amount of...

Creating Stability Is Just as Important as Managing Change

Creating Stability Is Just as Important as Managing Change

When we think about change at work today, we tend to assume its inevitability and focus our attention on how to manage it — what methods and processes and technology and communication we need to put in place to have it move ahead more smoothly. Of course, some change...

When Your Team Offloads Their Stress onto You

When Your Team Offloads Their Stress onto You

Being a leader in today’s evolving workplace is more emotionally demanding than ever — and especially so if you’re quietly sustaining the emotional well-being of your team or others. In this article, the author outlines five strategies to help you perform this vital...

How to Get Your Team to Actually Speak Up

How to Get Your Team to Actually Speak Up

  There is a common leadership misconception that merely encouraging team members to voice their opinions will foster an environment of openness. But people won’t speak up unless they feel safe doing so. As a leader, this means you have to address the underlying...

Don’t Post That Job Listing Before Taking These 5 Steps

Don’t Post That Job Listing Before Taking These 5 Steps

A critical but often overlooked part of the recruiting and hiring process happens before the job description is posted — or even created. Hiring managers should conduct a thorough assessment of their team’s current skills, aspirations, and culture to make sure they’re...