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Burnout Is About Your Workplace, Not Your People

Burnout Is About Your Workplace, Not Your People

We often think of burnout as an individual problem, solvable with simple-fix techniques like “learning to say no”, more yoga, better breathing, and practicing resilience. Yet, evidence is mounting that personal, band-aid solutions are not enough to combat an epic and...

Making Joy a Priority at Work

Making Joy a Priority at Work

Companies are making massive investments in technologies that can more closely link their people to each other, to customers, and to other stakeholders. Yet many struggle because their cultures get in the way — too many layers and silos, too many colleagues who prefer...

The Art of Asking Smarter Questions

The Art of Asking Smarter Questions

With organizations of all sorts facing increased urgency and unpredictability, being able to ask smart questions has become key. But unlike lawyers, doctors, and psychologists, business professionals are not formally trained on what kinds of questions to ask when...

What to Do When Your Team Blames You

What to Do When Your Team Blames You

When you’re a manager, at some point, regardless of how the circumstances arise, your team will blame you for something that’s making them unhappy, whether you have control over it or not. Being accused by your team of failing them in some way induces a threat state...

4 Ways CEOs Can Drive Rapid Growth In 2024

4 Ways CEOs Can Drive Rapid Growth In 2024

As the first quarter draws to a close, the economic outlook for what remains of 2024 is uncertain. In the United States, broad optimism that the Federal Reserve would cut rates multiple times this year has given way to reluctant recognition that any rate cuts—should...

Onboarding New Employees — Without Overwhelming Them

Onboarding New Employees — Without Overwhelming Them

A great onboarding experience can keep new hires engaged and committed, and increase their learning and preparedness for their new role. In trying to ensure new employees feel supported and properly prepared, some organizations flood new hires with far too much...

The Secret to Leading Organizational Change Is Empathy

The Secret to Leading Organizational Change Is Empathy

If you are a company leader hoping to undertake a successful organizational change, you need to make sure your team is onboard and motivated to help make it happen. The following strategies can help you better understand your employees’ perspectives. Start by...